Persepsi dan Sikap Masyarakat Santri Jawa Timur Terhadap Bank Syariah

This  research  is  aimed  at  finding  the  perception  of  Moslem  society  toward syariah bank,  the way  they manage  their  financial and  the  factors  that encourage and cause  syariah  bank  is  chosen  or  not,  thus,  it  is  expected  to give  the  appropriate recommendation especially for the developer of syariah banking. 

This empirical research done by qualitative approach describes the phenomena of 2 Moslem groups that had been the customer of syariah bank and those who had not been  the  customer of  syariah bank. The data  investigation and  interview are done by indept interview to completely attain the research objective. 

The result of research shows that the perception of East Java Moslem society is positive  toward  the  basic  principle  of  syariah  bank. On  financial management,  some customers of Moslem society also use  the other  financial  institution  for saving, money borrowing and other services of  financial and banking  institution. The main reason of Moslem  society  for  choosing  syariah  bank  is  due  to  its  appropriateness with  Islamic syariah  (law),  security,  and  nearness  with  their  livings.  While  the  main  factors  of syariah  bank  for  not  being  chosen  by  the Moslem  society  are:  the  unavailability  of syariah  bank  at  the  area  of  Moslem  society,  the  more  strategic  location  of  other financial institutions, advertisement and prize.

This research recommends syariah bank to  do  emotional  approach  toward Moslem society, on  condition  that  syariah  bank  is able  to  show  the Moslem  society  that  its  product  is  really  appropriate  with  syariah (Islamic  law),  the  placement  of  Human  Resource  that  views  the  transaction  of muamalah which  is  appropriate with  syariah,  the  product  of  syariah  bank  should  be appropriate with  the  needs  of Moslem  society.  The  approach  toward Moslem  society that  used  the  other  syariah  financial  institution  should  be  done  precisely,  such  as  by developing  the  variation  of  product,  service,  and  a  better  marketing  as  well  as cooperating with the existing syariah financial institution.

Ketua:  Dr.  Jazim  Hamidi,  SH., MH.,  Anggota:  Siti  Hamidah,  SM., MM,  Dr.  Sukarmi,  SH.MH.,  Dr. Sihabuddin, SH., MH., Lucky Hendrawati, SH.Mhum., Adi Kusumaningrum, SH.


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