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Tersedia juga jurnal Islamic Economic Studies, International Journal of Islamic Financial Services, Review of Islamic Economics, Iqtishad, La Riba, Journal of Islamic Business and Economics, Proceeding 6th International Conference on Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance, IIUM Journal of Economics and Management, Journal of King Abdul Aziz University: Islamic Economics dan masih banyak yang lainnya. Kami juga menyediakan skripsi, paper, jurnal terbitan dalam maupun luar negeri yang sedang anda butuhkan. Bidang ekonomi islam maupun ekonomi konvensional semua tersedia. Kami siap mencarikan dan mengirimkannya.
Vol. 16, No. 1 & 2 Rajab 1429H & Muharram 1430H (July 2008 & January 2009)
* Ethics and Economics: An Islamic Perspective By M. Umer Chapra
* Madaris Education and Human Capital Development with Special Reference to Pakistan By Mohammad Ayub
* Islamic Finance – Undergraduate Education By Sayyid Tahir
* Islamic Finance Education at the Graduate Level: Current State and Challenges By Zubair Hasan
Vol. 15, No. 2 Muharram 1429H (January 2008)
* Sukuk Market: Innovations and Challenges, 1-22. By Muhammad Al-Bashir Al Amine
* Cost, Revenue, and Profit Efficiency of Islamic Versus Conventional Banks: International Evidence Using Data Envelopment Analysis, 23-76. By M. Khaled I. Bader, Shamsher Mohamad, Mohamed Ariff and Taufiq Hassan
Discussion Paper
* The Impact of Consolidation on Islamic Financial Services Industry 79-103. By Zamir Iqbal
Vol. 15, No. 1 Rajab 1428H (July 2007)
* Theory of Firm: Management and Stakeholders: An Islamic Perspective 1-30. By Toseef Azid, Mehmet Asutay and Umar Burki
* On Corporate Social Responsibility of Islamic Financial Institutions, 31-46. By Sayd Farook
* Shariah Compliant Equity Investments: An Assessment of Current Screening Norms, 47-76. By M. H. Khatkhatay and Shariq Nisar
Vol. 14, No. 1 & 2 Rajab 1427H & Muharram 1428H (August 2006 & January 2007)
* Financial Distress and Bank Failure: Lessons from Ihlas Finans Turkey, 1-52. By Salman Syed Ali
* The Efficiency of Islamic Banking Industry: A Non-Parametric Analysis with Non-Discretionary Input Variable, 53-87. By Fadzlan Sufian
Discussion Paper
* Pre-requisite for Effective Integration of Zakah into Mainstream Islamic Financial System in Malaysia, 91-107. By Abdul Rahim Abdul Rahman
Book Review
* Zubair Hasan's Book "Introduction to Microeconomics: An Islamic Perspective", 117-119. Reviewed by Professor Rodney Wilson
Vol. 13, No. 1 & 2 Muharram 1427H (February 2006)
* Islamic Banking and Finance in Theory and Practice: A Survey of State of the Art, 1-48. By Mohammad Nejatullah Siddiqi
* The X-Efficiency in Islamic Banks. 49-77. By M. Kabir Hassan
* Islamic Law, Adaptability and Financial Development, 79-101. By Habib Ahmed
Vo. 12, No. 2 and Vol. 13, No. 1 Muharram & Rajab 1426H (February & August 2005)
* The Case for Universal Banking as a Component of Islamic Banking, 1-65. By Mabid Ali Al-Jarhi
* Impact of Ethical Screening on Investment Performance: The Case of The Dow Jones Islamic Index, 69-97. By Abul Hassan, Antonios Antoniou, and D Krishna Paudyal
Vol. 12, No. 1 Rajab 1425H (August 2004)
* Efficiency in Islamic Banking: An Empirical Analysis of Eighteen Banks, 1-19. By Donsyah Yudistira
* Ethical Investment: Empirical Evidence from FTSE Islamic Index, 21-40. By Khaled Hussein
Vol. 11, No. 2 Muharram 1425H (March 2004)
* Remedy for Banking Crises: What Chicago and Islam have in common, 1-22. By Valeriano F. García,Vvicente Fretes Cibils and Rodolfo Maino
* Remedy for Banking Crises: What Chicago And Islam Have in Common: A Comment, 23-42. By Mabid Ali Al-Jarhi
* Stakeholders Model of Governance in Islamic Economic System, 43-63. By Zamir Iqbal and Abbas Mirakhor
* Comments on Stakeholders Model of Governance in Islamic Economic System, 65-74. By M. Umer Chapra
* Comments on Stakeholders Model of Governance in Islamic Economic System, 65-74. By Mohammad Obaidullah
Vol. 11, No. 1 Rajab 1424H (September 2003)
* Dividend Signaling Hypothesis and Short-term Asset Concentration of Islamic Interest Free Banking, 1-30. By M. Kabir Hassan
* Determinants of Profitability in Islamic Banks: Some Evidence from the Middle East, 31-57. By Abdel-Hameed M. Bashir
Vol. 10, No. 2 Muharram 1424H (March 2003)
* Credit Risk in Islamic Banking and Finance, 1-25. By Mohamed Ali Elgari
Discussion Paper
* Zakah Accounting and Auditing: Principles and Experience in Pakistan, 29-43. By Muhammad Akram Khan
* The 1997-98 Financial Crisis in Malaysia: Causes, Response and Results – A Rejoinder, 45-53. By Zubair Hasan
Vol. 10, No. 1 Rajab 1423H (September 2002)
* Financing Build, Operate and Transfer (BOT) Projects: The Case of Islamic Instruments, 1-36. By Tariqullah Khan
Discussion Paper
* Islam and Development Revisited with Evidences from Malaysia, 39-74. By Ataul Huq Pramanik
Vol. 9, No. 2 Muharram 1423H (March 2002)
* The 1997-98 Financial Crisis in Malaysia: Causes, Response and Results, 1-16. By Zubair Hasan
Discussion Paper
* Financing Microenterprises: An Analytical Study of Islamic Microfinance Institutions, 27-64. By Habib Ahmed
Vol. 9, No. 1 Rajab 1422H (September 2001)
* Islamic Economic Thought and the New Global Economy, 1-16. By M.Umer Chapra
Discussion Paper
* Financial Globalization and Islamic Financial Institutions: The Topics Revisited, 19-38. By Masudul Alam Choudhury
Vol. 8, No. 2 Muharram 1422H (April 2001)
* Islamic and Conventional Banking in the Nineties: A Comparative Study, 1-27. By Munawar Iqbal
* An Economic Explication of the Prohibition of Gharar in Classical Islamic Jurisprudence, 29-58. By Mahmoud A. El-Gamal
Discussion Paper
* Interest and the Modern Economy, 61-74. By Arshad Zaman and Asad Zaman
Vol. 8, No. 1 Rajab 1421H (October 2000)
* Elimination of Poverty: Challenges and Islamic Strategies,1-16. By Ismail Siragedlin
Discussion Paper
* Globalization of Financial Markets and Islamic Financial Institutions, 19-67. By M. Ali Khan
Vol. 7, No. 1 & 2 Rajab 1420H & Muharram 1421H (October 1999 & April 2000)
* Islamic Quasi Equity (Debt) Instruments and the Challenges of Balance Sheet Hedging: An Exploratory Analysis, 1-32. By Tariqullah Khan
Discussion Papers
* Challenges and Opportunities for Islamic Banking and Finance in the West: The UK Experience, 35-59. By Rodney Wilson
* Towards an Objective Measure of Gharar in Exchange, 61-102. By Sami Al-Suwailem
Vol. 6, No. 2 Muharram 1420H (May 1999)
* Risk and Profitability Measures in Islamic Banks: The Case of Two Sudanese Banks, 1-24. By Abdel-Hamid M. Bashir
Discussion Paper
* The Design of Instruments for Government Finance in an Islamic Economy, 27-43. By Nadeemul Haque and Abbas Mirakhor
Vol. 6, No. 1 Rajab 1419H (November 1998)
* The Malaysian Economic Experience and Its Relevance for the OIC Member Countries, 1-42. By Mohamed Ariff
* Awqaf in History and Its Implications for Modem Islamic Economies, 43-70. By Murat Cizakca
Discussion Paper
* Financial Engineering with Islamic Options, 73-103. By Mohammed Obaidullah
Vol. 5, No. 1 & 2 Rajab 1418H & Muharram 1419H (November 1997 & April 1998)
* The Survival of Islamic Banking: A Micro-evolutionary Perspective, 1-19. By Mahmoud A. EI-Gamal
Discussion Papers
* Performance Auditing for Islamic Banks, 23-55. By Muhammad Akram Khan
* Capital Adequacy Norms for Islamic Financial Institutions, 37-55. By Mohammed Obaidullah
Vol. 4, No. 2 Muharram 1418H (May 1997)
* The Dimensions of an Islamic Economic Model, 1-24. By Syed Nawab Haider Naqvi
Discussion Papers
* Indirect Instruments of Monetary Control in an Islamic Financial System, 27-65. By Nurun N. Choudhry and Abbas Mirakhor
* Istisna’ Financing of Infrastructure Projects, 67-74. By Muhammad Anas Zarqa
* The Use of Assets Ijara Bonds for Bridging the Budget Gap, 75-92. By Monzer Kahf
Vol. 4, No. 1 Rajab 1417H (December 1996)
* Monetary Management in an Islamic Economy, 1-34. By Muhammad Umer Chapra
* Cost of Capital and Investment in a Non-interest Economy, 35-46. By Abbas Mirakhor
Discussion Paper
* Competition and Other External Determinants of the Profitability of Islamic Banks, 49-64. By Sudin Haron
Vol. 3, No. 2 Muharram 1417H (June 1996)
* Rules for Beneficial Privatization: Practical Implications of Economic Analysis, 1-32. By William J. Baumol
Discussion Papers
* Privatization in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Countries: The Need and the Process, 35-56. By Fuad Abdullah AI-Omar
* Towards an Islamic Approach for Environmental Balance, 57-77. By Muhammad Ramzan Akhtar
Vol. 3, No. 1 Rajab 1416H (December 1995)
* Islamic Securities in Muslim Countries’ Stock Markets and an Assessment of the Need for an Islamic Secondary Market,1-37. By Abdul Rahman Yousri Ahmed
* Demand for and Supply of Mark-up and PLS Funds in Islamic Banking: Some Alternative Explanations, 39-77. By Tariqullah Khan
* Towards an Islamic Stock Exchange in a Transitional Stage, 79-112. By Ahmad Abdel Fattah El-Ashkar
Discussion Papers
* The Interest Rate and the Islamic Banking, 115-122. By H. Shajari and M Kamalzadeh
* The New Role of the Muslim Business University Students in the Development of Entrepreneurship and Small and Medium Industries in Malaysia, 123-134. By Saad Al-Harran
Vol. 2, No. 2 Muharram 1416H (June 1995)
* Growth of Public Expenditure and Bureaucracy in Kuwait, 1-14. By Fuad Abdullah Al-Omar
* Fiscal Reform in Muslim Countries with Special Reference to Pakistan, 15-34. By Munawar 1qbal
* Resource Mobilization for Government Expenditures through Islamic Modes of Contract: The Case of Iran, 35-58. By Iraj Toutounchian
Discussion Papers
* An Overview of Public Borrowing in Early Islamic History, 61-78. By Muhammad Nejatullah Siddiqi
* Public Sector Resource Mobilization in Islam, 79-107. By Mahmoud A. Gulaid
Vol. 2, No. 1 Rajab 1415H (December 1994)
* Islamic Banking: State of the Art, 1-33. By Ziauddin Ahmad
* Comparative Economics of Some Islamic Financing Techniques, 35-68. By M. Fahim Khan
Discussion Papers
* Progress of Islamic Banking: The Aspirations and the Realities, 71-80. By Sami Hasan Homoud
* Concept of Time in Islamic Economics, 81-102. By Ridha Saadallah
* Development of Islamic Financial Instruments, 103-115. By Rodney Wilson
Vol. 1, No. 2 Muharram 1415H (June 1994)
* Is Equity-Financed Budget Deficit Stable in an Interest Free Economy?, 1-14. By M. Aynul Hasan and Ahmed Naeem Siddiqui
* Contemporary Practices of Islamic Financing Techniques, 15-52. By Ausaf Ahmad
Discussion Papers
* Financing and Investment in Awqaf Projects: A Non-technical Introduction, 55-62. By Mohammad Anas Zarqa
* Limitation on the Use of Zakah Funds in Financing Socioeconomic Infrastructure, 63-78. By Shawki Ismail Shehata
* Al-Muqaradah Bonds as the Basis of Profit-Sharing, 79-102. By Walid Khayrullah
Vol. 1, No. 1 Rajab 1414H (December 1993)
* Towards an Islamic Stock Market, 1-20. By Mohamed Ali Al-Qari
* Financial Intermediation in the Framework of Shari'ah, 21-35. By Hussein Hamed Hassan
* Islamic Banking in Sudan’s Rural Sector, 37-55. By Mohamed Uthman Khaleefa
Discussion Papers
* Potential Islamic Certificates for Resource Mobilization, 57-69. By Mohamed El-Hennawi
* Agenda for a New Strategy of Equity Financing by the Islamic Development Bank, 71-88. By D. M Qureshi