Management and Development of Awqaf Properties (Kode M013)

Management and Development of Awqaf Properties
Proceeding of the seminar, 4 – 16 Agustus 1984 Published by IRTI IDB

1. Sources of Islamic Jurispundence by. DR. Muhammad Nejatullah sidiqi
2. Waqf in Islamic Jurisprudence by DR. Hassan Abdullah al Amin
3. Management of waqf: past and present by. DR Sherafat ali Hashmi
4. The Instituion of waqf: Its religious and socio economic roles and implication by. DR. M.A Mannan
5. Some modern means for the financing and investment of awqaf project by. DR Mohammad anas al Zarqa
6. al muqaradah bonds at the babsis of the profit sharing by. DR Waleed Khayrullah
7. a brief overview of the lectures anda discussion of the seminar

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